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30 Minute Reading

Recommended if you have
one or two questions needing clarity.



Using an abbreviated spread of Tarot Cards I will use my intuition for a quick glance into your current life path.


You will gain clarity on one or two specific questions.


You will feel peace and ease to tackle any difficult situation.


You will received intuitive guidance on your life path, but will use your free will.


You will receive intuitive guidance on your career path, love, personal relationships, and finances. 









60 Minute Reading

For an 
in depth look at your souls journey.

For the first 10-15 minutes, I will use a full 12 to 13 card spread to first look at your current life path..


I will use my clairvoyance, and intuition to connect with your spirit guides, and deliver important messages for your souls development.


You will receive clarity on your souls lessons it seeks to learn at this specific moment.


I will deliver messages to help guide you to the next best possible steps to the future you would like to create. 


We can dive in and get super specific on areas of love, friendships, partnerships, career, soul lessons, destiny, children, or finances.


Using your own free will, you will fell confident in taking the next best steps towards your desires.






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Private Parties


2 Hour Minimum

For private parties with 10 or more people I recommend booking at least 3 hours.


For private parties with more than 10 guests I recommend 4-5 hours, giving guests each time for a 15 minute reading.


For extra large parties or events of more than 50 guests, I recommend hiring at least two readers. 


For all private parties please send inquires to:

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Disclaimer: This service and the use of this website is for entertainment purposes only and is intended for use by adults 18 years of age or older. By your use of this website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. This website and its creators make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information provided. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused with regard to any information and/or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this service, or as a result of your use of this service. The readings provided are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and/or to discontinue this website at any time. This service is not intended to address any medical, emotional, and/or legal issues. It is for entertainment purposes only. You should, therefore, consult a medical care, mental health care or legal professional for any physical, emotional and/or legal issues that need professional attention.

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